Well, mom had actually said dad wouldn't be happy if i were to go away again on another long weekend trip since i just been on one (
even though it was as a "business" trip to cover up the fact i was with Darcy). But the tickets were paid for, the hotel has been paid for, and i really just want to spend as much time with Darcy as much as possible so wrath or no wrath from dad i was going.
Didn't help that mom sprung her "I need you to type this assignment for me and i need it by next week." line on me the nite before we were to leave for KL.So i was up till 2.30am then went to bed. Of course, had to wait till dad left the house at about 6.40am to get up and shower and take a cab to Grand Corpthorne Hotel where the bus was to depart at 8am. I took a cab by 7.15am. I told the taxi i had a bus to catch by 8am but i think the panic for driver didn't set in till Darcy called at about 7.35am to check where i was and i said i would be there in 10mins. By that time i was already in the Orchard area heading towards the hotel. I got to the hotel at around 7.45am, hurriedly ask the bellman where the Aeroline bus to KL was, he pointed me the direction and i ran WITH luggage in tow (mind you it's not those pulley on wheels type of luggage, i had to literally carry this). By the time i got to the bus, Darcy saw me running towards the bus as he was standing next to the bus where the luggage was being load onto. 10 mins later the bus departed the hotel for KL. Man, that was close.
Although, not as close as that one time many years ago when i had to take a train from my relatives place in Malaysia coming back to Singapore. I had just boarded the train, literally still on the steps, when it started to pull out from the station. Phew.
It was a relatively uneventful journey, although Darcy had to put the photo card we took at cineleisure in between the pages of his passport. So when we were going through customs and immigration, when the officer flipped through his passport, he saw the photocard and was a bit surprised to see it in the passport. :P *BLEH* *L* He just had to do that. And the fact the line we chose to queue at took a really long time to clear for some reason.

This is the neoprint we took.
But i made the mistake of putting it into my wallet
and the plastic stuck to the card. *POUT*
The best part about Aeroline was that there was actually a bus steward to serve you some light refreshment followed by coffee and tea. :) Not only that, an hr before we got into KL city we were served with a packet of chilled drink too. :) Not bad service at all. :) The seats were comfie too and there was a lounge below that we could sit and relax and chat or write letters/postcards. There's also a toilet in the bus. The most important thing about this bus service? It DOES NOT stop at various stop points between Singapore and KL. *heehee* We got to KL at 12.30pm sharp, and this is in KL traffic congestion too! :)
The bus stopped right in front of Corus Hotel and that was why we chose to stay there as well. Not a bad hotel, simple and decent and we didn't need a fancy hotel to stay anyways. :) Paid 90 nett including 2 breakfast for a double room which was spacious. :) If you want you can check out the prices for hotels at a pretty competitive rate at accomline.com. Although, one thing i wasn't happy about was that they ran out of rooms on the non-smoking level and we had to put up in a room at the smoking level. Luckily, it wasn't bad at all cos there wasn't any ciggie smoke whafting around the level.
Once we checked in and dropped our luggage, i called my childhood friend of 20 years, Meiling, and arranged to meet up for dinner. Since we were 5mins away from KLCC, we decided to have her and her hubbie pick us up there. :)
So the whole afternoon was spent eating and shopping, eating and shopping. It's like a spoof of the visit Hong Kong tv ad that came out not too long back. :) Mai Dong Xi. Chi Dong Xi. Mai Dong Xi. Chi Dong Xi. :) Eating. Shopping. Eating. Shopping. :) *heehee* We had KFC for lunch, followed immediately by Dunkin Donuts (cos there's no more DD in singapore.. pout), walked a short while more and had coffee at Starbucks (bought a city mug from there for his mom), shopped for more touristie stuff for Darcy's friends and capped by ice cream by New Zealand Icecream. :P *heehee*
We also managed to catch the movie "The Jacket" starring Adrien Brody and Keira Knightly. It was a pretty interesting movie and a major part of its plot invovles time travel. :) Should catch it if you have the time. :)
The highlight of the afternoon had to be an argument that Darcy and i got into as we were walking and window shopping at KLCC. I mean we literally were doing serious window shopping and going into the stores and trying stuff or looking at stuff WHILE we were arguing. At that point, i was all huffed and puffed up and it was only when i looked back that i laughed at how sillie we might have looked. :) Darcy said i scared off a few salesgirls who were about to do their sales pitch on me, but backed off immediately when they saw and heard my tone of voice. :P *heehee* *heehee* Darcy on the other hand found the whole incident very amusing right from the start. :)
Finally, we met up with my friend Meiling and hubbie for dindin at a restaurant serving local dishes. And like Darcy said, this was a "lets see what can this Caucasian eat" experiment. Cos me and Meiling had ordered different dishes, and we spooned some of our food into a small bowl for Darcy to try. *heehee* *heehee* He had ordered Nasi Lemak and it was really spicy for him. Poor guy. Too much spices in his system as it is and now we're adding more into him. :) Then again who was i kidding, i was secretly enjoying this lil fun. :P *giggles* *teehee*

"Oh no! What have the got planned for me?"

I was looking at Meiling's camera & Darcy was looking at my camera. :P *heehee*

Double Dates!
When we got back to the hotel, we showered and climbed into bed to watch "Bridget Jones : The Edge of Reason" on dvd that i had bought the same afternoon. Throughout the movie, we kept agreeing on the fact that i act somewhat like Bridget in the movie. *L* The way i would react in similar situations was like her. :) Well, what can i say, i will always be fat but i have a very endearing quickie personality. :) *heehee* Although, if anyone could point me in the direction of where i could get the dresses that Bridget wore in the movie in big sizes i would be really really greatful! :) By the time the movie ended it was close to 2am and so after shutting down the laptop it was off to dreamland for us. *smile*
Next up : Americanized Malaysian Memorial Statue. Petaling Street Raid. And Meet the Aunts.