Saturday, April 02, 2005

Birthday Bouquet

Originally uploaded by e79.
Was waiting for Shwying this afternoon at J8's Cafe Cartel for a late lunch/early dinner date. :) We haven't met up in a long while now and we both figured it was time to play catch up.

I was early... well we were both late so i was the 'earlier-late-comer' i guess.

But i was surprised by her handing me a gorgeous bouquet of a single rose surrounded by pretty greens!

Originally uploaded by e79.

Awww..... Attached to it was a card that had an animated dancing princess with a frog prince next to her. Inside the message only consisted of three dots which Shwying explained that she felt that it was better if she gave me her bday wishes to me personally. When she finished, her eyes were whelling up and i was really touched by her well wishes. I really have a group of superb friends that is all i can say.

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