Saturday, July 16, 2005

Blogging, Carl, & the Nation

Well, it was the day i was waiting for, Bloggers.SG 2005. Met up with suaty_huangy at Esplanade's main lobby and on my way there i saw a familiar figure - Mr Brown. Was walking behind him along CitiLink and thought he looked familiar. I sms'ed suaty about it and she got all excited about seeing Brown in person.

When we got to DXO where Bloggers.SG was to be held, there were only two girls there waiting in front of the booth that were selling the Bloggers.SG tees. We both stood there for a moment looking at the booth and wondering if they were on sale yet and was told by the girl behind the booth that they weren't ready to start selling the tees. It was when we realised that we were among the first to be there. Wow, this is new. It was already 1.30pm and i had expected to see a long queue by now considering the buzz that was going on about limited pieces of the tees that were up for grabs.

Anyways, we got a tee for each of us (i ended up buying two more - one for my friend Kenneth & the other for Dar before i left) and while we were waiting around to get into DXO we were shuffled around a few times.

Wow, must have caught the girl on the left in a bad mood

One, everyone queued at the wrong entrance and were moved to the main entrance.

Two, we were "too close" to the main entrance and were ordered to move back by the DXO Marshals. I mean these guys were just barking at us to move back. Could have just told us nicely first before they started barking at us. *grumbles*

Look at those arms

Queue @ about 1.40pm

So as we waited outside in the heat and humidity and me frantically trying to wipe my sweaty face in case some cute blogger decided to chat me up. *grin* *heehee* Serene from ST came over to speak to suaty and i for a bit about the usual - what time did we get here, why we were here, our blogging experiences and habits, yada yada yada.

Serene from ST

Finally, around 2pm they decided to open the doors and as we all walked in everyone was ohh-ing and ahh-ing as to how nice the layout was. :) When i sat down, i mentioned to suaty that it felt like a mini MTV movie award ceremony then anything else.

See what i mean? Big screen tv too

Brown and Miyagi preparing for their turn. Although Miyagi was fasionably late

Overall, i would say it wasn't exciting as i had hoped it to be. Going to attribute it to the fact that the majority of the audience were youngsters in their late teens (this was observed while i was waiting in line to get in and the next 30-40 behind me were youngsters). That and probably everyone was just there to get a feel of what it would be like to be at a bloggers convention and what it would represent for future such conventions and blogging scene.

The IRC chat proved to be a better hit than the panelist who were there. It was a distraction when the seminars were going on, but even the panelist themselves were looking back at the screens every now and then. The conversations on the chat got the audience laughing numerous times throughout the seminars, with no short of NKF jokes and the search for a certain Cowboy.

The venue is sponsored by MSN and this is what was what the panelists used -

What an irony eh?

suaty_huangy's blogger chase

Random shots of me

I did enjoy the last section the most that was the covering the topic of "Blogging-related technologies". So many new stuff to see and try out. :) Also have to mention that Lexmark was there with the really cool printers that allowed us to print photos from our digicam F.O.C!!!! I thought that was the best thing that could have happened during the convention but i didn't want to be greedy so only printed out two photos. :P *heehee*

"Lets try and figure this one out"

This guy's expression is priceless and stayed like this for most of the seminar

And no outing or event is complete without having kid shots from me right? :)

Mr Brown's lil boy. A cutie!

Think this is jseng's lil girl. So cute!

But i had to leave early cos my stomach was growling. In all the excitement of seeing ex-secondary school band juniors, my poly lecturer, helping suaty take photos and listening to a voice mail Dar left on my phone all i had was a drink and that was it. :P

So met up with Kenneth at Marina Square, where we both enjoyed a delicious and sumptious meal at Carls Jnr. Yep, the same burger joint with that tantalising and mouth-watering tv commercial decorated with Paris Hilton (blog entry cortesy of my friend adrock2xander).

I had a Guacomole Bacon Burger ... mmmm YUM!

Oh man, after the meal i was so stuffed!!! *grin* The meal came with fries and drink but i think next time i am going for the chillie fries cos they are yummy! *grin* I pinch some from Kenneth's meal. :P heehee.

Chillie Fries...mmmm YUMMIE!

And i couldn't resist taking a photo of this cheekie ad. :P

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